segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2018

Psychopathology, Meaningfulness, and Understanding: International Interdisciplinary Conference U. Portucalense (Porto, Portugal)

Psychopathology, Meaningfulness, and Understanding:
International Interdisciplinary Conference
U. Portucalense (Porto, Portugal)
September 05 - 07, 2018

The team of the Interdisciplinary Research Project "Bios, Psyche, and Pathos: On the Epistemological and Ethical Critique of Psychopathology" is pleased to organize its first International Conference at Portucalense University (; Porto, Portugal), from 05thto 07thSeptember, 2018.

This Conference aims at discussing not only the epistemological foundations that support the construction of concepts and practices in mental health and psychopathology, but also the social, ethical, and political implications of diagnostic and therapeutic models. In this sense, the event intends to involve researchers from different branches of the Humanities (such as Philosophy or Literary Studies), Social Sciences (such as History, Sociology, Anthropology or Psychology) and Biomedical Sciences (such as Neurology and Psychiatry, among others).

The Organizing Committee and the Scientific Committee invite all researchers, practitioners, and students interested in the field of Psychopathology and Mental Health to submit their communication proposals, taking into account the following thematic areas:

1. Epistemology and Theory of Psychopathology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
2. Psychopathology and Psychiatric Diagnostic Systems (e.g., DSM-5, ICD-10, RDoC)
3. Psychopathology and Culture: Inter/Multi-Cultural Relativism and Universalism
4. Cultural and Scientific History of Madness: Discourses, Practices and Institutions
5. Neurobiology of Mental Health and Psychopharmacology
6. Comprehensive Phenomenology of Psychopathological States and Processes
7. Psychotherapy: Theoretical Models and Empirical Research
8. Psychopathology, the Arts and Aesthetic Creation
9. Selfhood, Personhood, and Qualitative Research in Mental Disorders
10. Ethical Issues in Psychopathology, Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
11. Sociology and Anthropology of Mental Health
12. Mental Health Policies and Human Rights

Participants can submit the following types of proposals:
1. Oral Communication: max. 20 minutes;
2. Panels: joint submission of 3 communications with thematic coherence;
3. Posters: Recommended size A1 (594 x 841 mm; 23.4 x 33.1 in);
4. Book Launch Session.

All proposals will be peer-reviewed and should be submitted in one of the following languages: Portuguese, English, French or Spanish.

Submission of proposals should be sent to biospsychepathos@gmail.comand include:

1. Title of the communication, panel or poster;
2. Summary (300-500 words for each communication or poster);
3. List of main references (between 5-10);
4. Keywords (max. 4).

Important Deadlines:
-        Submission of abstracts: 31st May, 2018
-        Notification of acceptance: 15th June, 2018
-        Early-bird registration: 31st July, 2018